It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.

- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The simplicity of the day

I woke up at 7:30 this morning, to my little one saying "I'm thirsty." I rubbed my eyes and staggered of the bed. Proceeded to go into the kitchen and fix him a glass of tea. Went back to the room, handed him the cup, and got back into bed.

He laid beside me, gently sipping on that ever so delicious tea. His hand reached out to mine, with cup in hand, and told me he was finished. I placed the cup on the nightstand table.

I kissed his cheek and asked if he was still tired or was ready to get up. "No, mommy. I want to watch TV." Without hesitation, I turned it on and flipped to the Disney channel.

I sat up in bed, reached over to my nightstand, and place my glasses on. Looked at the clock. 7:43am. Went to the kitchen to decide what to cook for breakfast. I opened the fridge. Closed it. Open the cabinets. Closed them. Went to the bathroom. Washed my face. And decided it was BO TIME!

Usually, going to get breakfast is not really something I consider. Unless, my husband is home and we all go out together. However, this time ... it was the right choice.

I am glad I went. I decided to go inside to order our food. While in line, Curtis and I had the best conversation and alone time. It only lasted for about 15 minutes, but it was a moment in the day that forecasted what the present day would be like.

It's amazing how the most simplistic moments in your day turn out to the be the most memorable.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


The days are getting closer until we meet our precious little son, Carson.

My body is preparing for the days to come.
My stomach is growing. My appetite is growing. My energy is slipping away. And I swear, my glasses are getting tighter on my face! I don't fall asleep until midnight and wake up before 7 am.

Carson is starting to grow. Not only do I feel him move but my family and friends are starting too. John felt him for the first time today!

Freak out mood is slowly approaching. The realization that Carson will be here in only 18 weeks is ridiculous and exciting at the same time. I have nothing done and SO much to do.

The countdown has already begun and I have had no regards to it until now. The time will beat faster. My anxiety will rise. Soon, I will hold Carson and be mesmerized.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Nothing comes to mind ...

For the past thirty minutes, my laptop has been sitting on my lap. I'm goofing off between different websites, trying to decide what to blog about. But, nothing comes to mind. Of course. My mind is blank and I feel totally non-creative right now.

Ahh! Talking about creativity. The other day, I finally set up the first part of my arts and crafts room. Luckily, I had the help of my wonderful friend. Without her ... it would still be a complete mess. It is NOT completely down, but it's a start...

We moved into this house a couple months ago and I have had no MOTIVATION at all, in regards to setting up and decorating. However, as the days went on, I was becoming depressed feeling. Life was become extra unordinary and I knew and felt something was missing. I just knew I couldn't let my "idea" of setting up my craft area just stay an idea. I HAD to change it and luckily I did. And, it feels GREAT! Plus, I also placed an area for my little boy. He has his craft table, along with his craft tools and supplies.

It feels great finally having this set up. I still have pictures and paintings that need to be put on the wall; however, I need my wonderful hubby for this. Even though its not completely finished, I have been glued to my craft table. I started my son's scrapbook (he is 3) and I had only 1 page done. Now, I feel like I can accomplish it. I also starting working on my pregnancy journal.

I'm very thankful to have "my" area of the house and I feel productive after creating something.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Wow. 6 months since my last blog entry. That's pretty ridiculous, but typical.

In those past 6 months, much has changed & stayed the same. The biggest change is we are expecting our 2nd child, which is another boy.

Carson Eli is due September 18th, 2011. And we are anxiously awaiting & hoping for a healthy baby boy.

Our first son, Curtis, will be 3 in July. I cannot believe the time has moved on so fast. As quick as it took for Curtis to turn 3, in a matter of another 3 years, he will be in Elementary School! Too bad we cannot freeze time.

However, I am enjoying every moment of it. The bad times along with the happy ones. I am excited to see where I lives will be in the next 6 months ... this time, I might try to remember to blog every now and then.